At Sepik Wetlands and Peatlands Limited, we value the trust and confidence of our investors and stakeholders. Our Investor Relations (IR) program is designed to foster transparent communication, provide timely and accurate information, and build long-term relationships with our investors. We are committed to creating sustainable value for our shareholders while promoting transparency, accountability, and corporate governance excellence.

Our Approach to Investor Relations


Transparency and Disclosure: We believe in open and transparent communication with our investors. We provide timely and comprehensive disclosure of financial performance, operational updates, strategic initiatives, and material developments through regular financial reports, press releases, and investor presentations.


Accessibility and Engagement: We prioritize accessibility and engagement with our investors. We offer multiple channels for investors to access information and communicate with us, including investor meetings, conference calls, webinars, and dedicated investor relations platforms. We actively seek feedback from investors and incorporate their input into our decision-making processes.


Corporate Governance: We uphold the highest standards of corporate governance and ethical conduct. We have established robust governance structures, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, safeguard shareholder interests, and promote accountability and transparency in all our operations.


Long-term Value Creation: We are committed to creating sustainable long-term value for our shareholders. We pursue a disciplined approach to capital allocation, focusing on strategic investments, growth opportunities, and risk management practices that enhance shareholder value and support our long-term business objectives.


Stakeholder Engagement: We recognize that our investors are just one of many stakeholders with whom we engage. We actively engage with a wide range of stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers, communities, and regulators, to understand their perspectives, address their concerns, and build trust and goodwill.

Our Investor Relations Services


Financial Reporting: We provide regular and transparent financial reporting, including quarterly and annual financial statements, earnings releases, and management discussions and analyses, to keep investors informed about our financial performance and prospects.


Investor Communications: We maintain open lines of communication with investors through investor meetings, conference calls, webcasts, and investor conferences, to provide updates on company performance, strategy, and key developments.


Shareholder Services: We offer a range of shareholder services, including assistance with shareholding inquiries, dividend payments, proxy voting, and investor relations inquiries, to ensure that shareholders have access to the information and support they need.


Corporate Governance: We adhere to best practices in corporate governance and transparency. We have established clear policies and procedures for board oversight, executive compensation, risk management, and regulatory compliance, to ensure effective governance and accountability to our shareholders.


Strategic Guidance: We provide strategic guidance and insights to investors, analysts, and other stakeholders, to help them understand our business model, market dynamics, competitive positioning, and growth prospects.


Our Commitment to Investors

At Sepik Wetlands and Peatlands Limited, we are committed to building trust, fostering transparency, and creating long-term value for our investors. We believe that by delivering strong financial performance, adhering to sound governance practices, and maintaining open and honest communication, we can continue to earn the confidence and support of our shareholders.