Sepik Wetlands and Peatlands Limited is proud to be at the forefront of carbon credit development in Papua New Guinea, leveraging innovative strategies and best practices to mitigate climate change while promoting sustainable development. With a robust portfolio of certified carbon credit projects, we are committed to delivering tangible environmental and social benefits while adhering to the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability.


Our Commitment to Certification

At Sepik Wetlands and Peatlands Limited, we recognize the importance of certification in ensuring the credibility and legitimacy of our carbon credit projects. Our projects undergo rigorous assessment and verification processes to meet the standards set forth by esteemed bodies such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the Gold Standard, and the Climate, Community, and Biodiversity (CCB) Standards.

Types of Carbon Credits


REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation): Our REDD+ projects focus on preventing deforestation, conserving forest ecosystems, and enhancing carbon sequestration through sustainable land management practices. By protecting forests, we not only mitigate greenhouse gas emissions but also preserve biodiversity, safeguard ecosystem services, and support the livelihoods of local communities.


IFM & CDM (Improved Forest Management & Clean Development Mechanism): Our IFM & CDM projects involve improving forest management practices to enhance carbon stocks and reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. These projects promote sustainable forestry practices, such as reduced-impact logging and agroforestry, while generating carbon credits that contribute to climate change mitigation and sustainable development.


VERRA (Verified Carbon Standard): Our VERRA-certified projects adhere to the rigorous standards set forth by the Verified Carbon Standard, ensuring the transparent accounting, measurement, and verification of carbon emissions reductions and removals. By meeting VCS requirements, our projects provide confidence to investors, buyers, and stakeholders regarding the environmental integrity and social co-benefits of our carbon credits.


Gold Standard: Our Gold Standard projects go beyond carbon neutrality, incorporating additional criteria related to sustainable development, environmental integrity, and stakeholder engagement. These projects prioritize social and environmental co-benefits, such as poverty alleviation, gender equality, and community empowerment, alongside carbon emissions reductions, to ensure holistic and sustainable outcomes.


Blue Carbon: Sepik Wetlands and Peatlands Limited also engages in Blue Carbon projects, which focus on the conservation and restoration of coastal and marine ecosystems such as mangroves, seagrasses, and tidal marshes. These ecosystems 13 sequester significant amounts of carbon dioxide, making them vital contributors to climate change mitigation efforts.


Other Certifications: In addition to the aforementioned certifications, our projects may also pursue other relevant certifications and standards, depending on project-specific requirements and stakeholder preferences. These may include certifications related to biodiversity conservation, sustainable land use, and social impact assessment, among others.


Our Impact

Through our certified carbon credit projects, Sepik Wetlands and Peatlands Limited has made a significant contribution to climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development in Papua New Guinea and beyond. By protecting forests, restoring degraded ecosystems, and empowering local communities, we are driving positive environmental, social, and economic outcomes, paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient future.