At Sepik Wetlands and Peatlands Limited, our commitment to sustainable development is translated into action through a diverse portfolio of impactful projects. Guided by our vision of preserving Papua New Guinea’s precious ecosystems while fostering economic growth and social progress, our projects span across vast landscapes, encompassing a multitude of environmental and community-driven initiatives.


List of Projects

We proudly showcase our current projects in Papua New Guinea, totaling 12 initiatives covering expansive project areas spanning up to 2.8 million hectares nationwide. These highquality projects exemplify our commitment to environmental stewardship and community empowerment. Through meticulous planning and rigorous implementation, each project is
designed to preserve biodiversity, protect ecosystems, and promote sustainable development in Papua New Guinea.

Our projects embody innovation, collaboration, and responsible management practices, aiming to create lasting positive impacts that benefit both present and future generations. Join us as we strive to make a difference and ensure a sustainable future for Papua New Guinea and its communities.



Our Approach to Projects

Our approach to project development is grounded in principles of environmental stewardship, community engagement, and innovation. Each project is meticulously designed to address specific environmental challenges, harnessing the potential of carbon credits as a tool for conservation, restoration, and sustainable livelihoods. From initial feasibility studies to onthe-ground implementation and long-term monitoring, we prioritize collaboration, transparency, and accountability at every stage of the project lifecycle.

Our Impactful Initiatives


Carbon Credit Projects: Our flagship initiatives involve the development and sale of carbon credits generated through sustainable land management practices, such as avoided deforestation, reforestation, and peatland conservation. These projects not only mitigate greenhouse gas emissions but also support biodiversity conservation, water resource management, and socio-economic development within local communities.


Community Empowerment Programs: In tandem with our carbon credit projects, we implement community empowerment programs aimed at improving livelihoods, enhancing resilience, and promoting sustainable land use practices among local communities. These programs include capacity building, training, and income-generating activities that empower communities to become active participants in environmental conservation and sustainable development.


Biodiversity Conservation Initiatives: Recognizing the intrinsic value of biodiversity, we undertake initiatives to conserve and restore critical habitats, protect endangered species, and promote ecological resilience. Through partnerships with conservation organizations and indigenous communities, we work to safeguard biodiversity hotspots, preserve ecosystem services, and enhance ecological connectivity across landscapes.


Climate Resilience Projects: As climate change poses increasing threats to vulnerable communities, we implement projects focused on building climate resilience and adaptation capacity. These projects include climate-smart agriculture, disaster risk reduction, and ecosystem-based adaptation measures designed to enhance community resilience to extreme weather events and shifting climatic conditions.


Innovative Research and Development: Committed to continuous improvement and innovation, we invest in research and development initiatives aimed at advancing sustainableland management practices, enhancing carbon sequestration technologies, and developing new methodologies for environmental monitoring and verification.


Our Collaborative Partnerships

Our projects are made possible through collaborative partnerships with governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, research institutions, private sector entities, and local communities. By leveraging the expertise, resources, and networks of our partners, we amplify the impact of our projects, expand our reach, and foster inclusive and equitable development.